Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở Yonkers - United States

Đây là các hồ sơ bạn trai, gái tại Yonkers ở đất nước United States, vừa đăng ký hay đăng nhập tìm người yêu, tìm bạn đời. Muốn xem hồ sơ chi tiết, vui lòng nhấn vào mổi thông tin bên dưới nhé. Vietdating.us là CLB nghiêm túc, uy tín và trách nhiệm sẻ giúp bạn muốn hẹn hò tại Yonkers. Nếu bạn chưa đăng ký hồ sơ, thì vui lòng ghi vào mẩu đơn phía trên để tham gia. Chúc bạn may mắn !.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Yonkers, New York, United States
Người cần tìm:

All round a good woman, A woman that one the same as me. That special with a big heart full of true love to give to the right one for her.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Yonkers, United States
Người cần tìm:

I am a highly organized person, methodical and obsessive with cleanliness,and also a gentle man who works so hard to protect the life and of the helpless. or the weak. i really need a good woman who has everything it's take to be a good step mom for my two lovely angels. i don't care if she is attractive, sexy, or not if she can make a good step mom, you are welcome to my humble home.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con gai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Yonkers, United States
Người cần tìm:

Thanh that va thang than. Muon tim ban cung tinh tinh de tro chuyen khi vui buon

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Yonkers, United States
Người cần tìm:

I'm very shy (really,) so please forgive me if I'm not aggressive and flirtatious. I can assure you though, that I am a gentleman and a very respectful person. I have 1 beautiful daughter who, along with nature, give me strength and help me stay positive.I love to cook especially while sharing a great bottle of wine and a few affectionate pecks on the lips lol). I'm non-judgemental but spiritual (though not very religious....sorry). I'm somewhat educated (Villanova/New York University), and I'm in the IBEW (electrician's union). I'm looking for a woman who is a true human being (someone who believes that life is about so much more than ourselves and that our children must ALWAYS come first). I'm well known as a single Dad who has a great sense of humor,I'm fun,incredibly friendly,smart eclectic man who grew up with MAMA.I have always been honest,caring,self-confident,financially secure,I love to laugh and also i love to meet people,I like to plan but can also be very spontaneous.I can get up with the sun or stay up with the moon and the stars. Nature(big mountains,wide open water, thunderstorms,animals)are thrilling and beautiful to me.I'm always active,being able to relax and enjoy life at my free times is what i enjoy doing and i don't judge others,I am physically fit, handsome, active and good human being...a highly romantic, always passionate,kind,caring loving man.I'll just say that my pictures say so much about who I am,My hair is very long (I keep it pulled back) for women who only like men with short hair........ I've been told I'm handsome,well-groomed, have nice legs lol, and beautiful hands.

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