Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở Haifa - Israel

Đây là các hồ sơ bạn trai, gái tại Haifa ở đất nước Israel, vừa đăng ký hay đăng nhập tìm người yêu, tìm bạn đời. Muốn xem hồ sơ chi tiết, vui lòng nhấn vào mổi thông tin bên dưới nhé. Vietdating.us là CLB nghiêm túc, uy tín và trách nhiệm sẻ giúp bạn muốn hẹn hò tại Haifa. Nếu bạn chưa đăng ký hồ sơ, thì vui lòng ghi vào mẩu đơn phía trên để tham gia. Chúc bạn may mắn !.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Người cần tìm:

am from the Israe. I have always been interested caring love and kindness culture, foods clothes pretty much everything. Looking for a pen pal who is interested in sending things and becoming friends I'm so happy to be here, I'm a gentle and easy-going girl who has faith in god & in love, with a good sense of humor. I value the simple things in life: like walking, laughing, reading, etc and I hate dishonest & lying people and am Just looking for the right and I like who are interest in believing

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con gai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Người cần tìm:

I'm so happy to be here, I'm a gentle and easy-going girl who has faith in god & in love, with a good sense of humor. I value the simple things in life: like walking, laughing, reading, etc and I hate dishonest & lying people and am Just looking for the right man and I like man who are interest in believing
Looking for Hi dear friends, am so happy to me here, please I will be very happy to have a very good friend from here my dear friends, and please my dear friend please am only here for friendship, am looking for a good man please I need a very serious Person

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con gai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Người cần tìm:

I'm so happy to be here, I'm a gentle and easy-going girl who has faith in god & in love, with a good sense of humor. I value the simple things in life: like walking, laughing, reading, etc and I hate dishonest & lying people and am Just looking for the right Vietnamese man and I like man who are interest in believing.
Looking for Hi dear friends, am so happy to me here, please I will be very happy to have a very good friend from here my dear friends, and please my dear friend please am only here for friendship, am looking for a good man please I need a very serious Person

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