Tâm Sự

Joke of the day

Joke of the day

Những triết lý để sống thọ cho các quý ông ! !!!!!!!!!!! Các anh/ông cứ làm theo đảm bảo sống dai và sống vui cả đời !!!!!!!!! 1. Be with a woman who makes you laugh 2. Be with a woman who gives you her time 3. Be with a woman who takes care of you 4. Be with a woman who really loves you 5. Finally, make sure these four women don't know each other! Chúc các anh vui vẻ.........,.................,.............,............,..............Minh thích nhất #5 hihihi

Hội viên

Worth to read and learn.

Will a scammer stay with you long?A scammer will stay with you as long as you give him what he wants. They will deceive you and feed on your desires and needs. The more you let them learn about you,feeds their ego and makes them powerful and you powerless.They are so in tune to you that you won't even realize their motives, until it's too late.Its manipulation, narcissism, control and making you fall so deep in love with them.This is just the beginning of their scamming.Ever cent you h…

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