Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở Middletown - United States

Đây là các hồ sơ bạn trai, gái tại Middletown ở đất nước United States, vừa đăng ký hay đăng nhập tìm người yêu, tìm bạn đời. Muốn xem hồ sơ chi tiết, vui lòng nhấn vào mổi thông tin bên dưới nhé. Vietdating.us là CLB nghiêm túc, uy tín và trách nhiệm sẻ giúp bạn muốn hẹn hò tại Middletown. Nếu bạn chưa đăng ký hồ sơ, thì vui lòng ghi vào mẩu đơn phía trên để tham gia. Chúc bạn may mắn !.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Middletown, New York, United States
Người cần tìm:

Understanding, trustworthy and pure in heart virtuous woman, I believe in true love ❤️ and it makes the world goes round, tradition believe and practice true love

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Middletown, United States
Người cần tìm:

I'm a very pleasant a good christian and God fearing ,I am easygoing person with an active and fun life. I'm very down to earth, with a great sense of humollr. I love to laugh. Enjoy travel, day trips, beaches,listening to a variety of music genres likes,tennis, art, wine, hiking, sports, fine restaurants or just relaxing at home

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Middletown, United States
Người cần tìm:

I'm a very pleasant a good christian and God fearing.I am easygoing person with an active and fun life. I'm very down to earth, with a great sense of humor. I love to laugh. Enjoy travel, day trips, beaches,listening to a variety of music genres likes,tennis, art, wine, hiking, sports, fine restaurants or just relaxing at home, I work hard but love to play. Very high energy level. Most people consider me very easy to get along with and a very good listener, and kisser I'm very conversant and enjoy getting to know people . My taste in music varies from classic rock to classical, jazz, reggae, new wave 80s. I have an insatiable appetite for history and knowledge. Love to read, but usually can't read one book at a time unless it is extraordinarily captivating. I work out just about every day and am always looking for new challenges to help stay fit. Most of my free time is spent enjoying all the natural beauty and attractions in the Bay Area and beyond.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Middletown, United States
Người cần tìm:

I'm open and honest, loving, affectionate and very straight forward too ... I work hard but love to play. Very high energy level. Most people consider me very easy to get along with and a very good listener, and kisser I'm very conversant and enjoy getting to know people I especially enjoy discussing travel, music, art and sports.. My taste in music varies from classic rock to classical, jazz, reggae, new wave 80s. I have an insatiable appetite for history and knowledge. Love to read, but usually can't read one book at a time unless it is extraordinarily captivating. I work out just about every day and am always looking for new challenges to help stay fit

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