Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở Livingston - United States

Đây là các hồ sơ bạn trai, gái tại Livingston ở đất nước United States, vừa đăng ký hay đăng nhập tìm người yêu, tìm bạn đời. Muốn xem hồ sơ chi tiết, vui lòng nhấn vào mổi thông tin bên dưới nhé. Vietdating.us là CLB nghiêm túc, uy tín và trách nhiệm sẻ giúp bạn muốn hẹn hò tại Livingston. Nếu bạn chưa đăng ký hồ sơ, thì vui lòng ghi vào mẩu đơn phía trên để tham gia. Chúc bạn may mắn !.

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Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Livingston, United States
Người cần tìm:

I often make others laugh and poke fun at myself as much as I do at life's absurdities. I try to find pleasure in the simple things, having experienced a number of different people and cultures throughout my life due to the nature of my job, I know that happiness isn't about things; one of my favorite sayings is "happiness is an inside job". I love to learn. I love to explore and traveling is a great way to do that but I am content to watch a good movie, watch Discover or the History Channel or curl up with a book. I am a spiritual Christian, my faith is very secure. That said, I am not at all preachy, many of my friends are not Christians (it isn't a requirement) so if you have had a bad experience or three, let me apologize in advance, I don't judge a book by the cover. I live by the Golden Rule and honesty is very important, particularly in a close relationship. Strong relationships have trust and respect at the foundation. I love animals.I love movies, documentaries and foreign flicks. Games are fun to me, I like playing cards, board games (I am not a competitive person - I like social interaction) or going out with friends to a concert. I have to say I do love anything to do with water.I am loving and affectionate. I am a gentleman, so I am looking for a woman with ladies skills; someone with good manners, opens the doors and calls when she says she will. Someone, who can listen and not feel like she has to put someone else down to elevate herself. A lady, who didn't walk out of school and leave her brain in the locker. I have always had a healthy lifestyle and I intent to keep it up. What I am looking for is not a body type, income level or a job title. I am looking for a woman, who can express her feelings and who is willing to work for compromise. Believes in we, remember than is no "I" in team. No one wins a fight! If you agree with me drop me a mail.

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