Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở Kemmerer - United States

Đây là các hồ sơ bạn trai, gái tại Kemmerer ở đất nước United States, vừa đăng ký hay đăng nhập tìm người yêu, tìm bạn đời. Muốn xem hồ sơ chi tiết, vui lòng nhấn vào mổi thông tin bên dưới nhé. Vietdating.us là CLB nghiêm túc, uy tín và trách nhiệm sẻ giúp bạn muốn hẹn hò tại Kemmerer. Nếu bạn chưa đăng ký hồ sơ, thì vui lòng ghi vào mẩu đơn phía trên để tham gia. Chúc bạn may mắn !.

Hội viên
Tên tài khoản:
Giới tính:
Con trai
Nơi cư ngụ:
Kemmerer, Wyoming, United States
Người cần tìm:

A beauty, inside and out, who loves to do things outdoors as well as indoors...In no particular order: a genuine sense of humour, a sense of happiness and cheerfulness, funny, very passionate and sensual, very intelligent, adventurous. Do you like to sail, scuba, cook, run, visit art museums, see plays and concerts, go bicycling, vegetable-garden, or...what? Tell me, I'd love to hear!! Someone who likes to try new things...maybe I'm seeking too much? There's fun and great life experiences to be had no matter where you are with the right person. I'm attracted to someone with a good sense of self (understanding who you are, and how you became "you"), as well as high self-esteem, honesty, someone with strong respect for others, their opinions and backgrounds, without being judgemental. a desire to achieve in and experience life, and a need for love and finding true happiness in a healthy, supportive relationship, with each of us able to give the other the affirmations we seek. I want to be attracted to you on all levels...for what you look like, of course, but also for how you think, everything that you feel, and who you are as a person. I'd really appreciate.i have true love to offer and happiness i mean inner happiness.

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